Are You An Emotional Eater? Learn How To Change Your Habits and Mindset


I started working with Steph at Thrive Health and Wellness in March of 2014. I have struggled with weight all my life. I became an emotional eater. I don’t have the excuse of having a baby that I gained weight, mine was completely the opposite. I gained weight with infertility treatments, the stress of them not working, eating out because I didn’t feel like cooking or was travelling to London or Toronto for appointments.

In 2007 I had a hysterectomy and over the next 5 years gained over 45 pounds. I joined a gym and lost 20 lbs. but very quickly gained it back. I got frustrated and stopped going to the gym. I remember stopping in one day to talk to a friend and saw something written on the board. It read "Weight loss starts in the kitchen; getting fit starts in the gym".

I knew my problem was what I was eating. I drank pop like people drink coffee, snacked on whatever was convenient, not really thinking about what I was putting in my mouth. I saw a friend of mine’s testimony of working with Steph and decided to contact her. Steph has been such a great teacher, support and friend. She taught me what foods work good together, gave me great ideas for meals LOVE LOVE LOVE Steph’s famous banana pancakes! She taught me about healthy fats and has encouraged me to try new foods, which are now some of my favourite things to eat.

Even though my daily emails with Steph have stopped, I am still headed in the right direction and I know she is always there if I have a question. I have lost 33 lbs. and 20 inches in the 3 months I worked with Steph. I have a long way to go to reach my goal but now I can actually see it is reachable. I am excited to see where I will be in another 3 months. Thanks Steph!

Heather, Age 34


Improve Your Health & Reduce Your Risk Of Disease


Gain Control Of Your Eating Habits & Reach Your Goals