See How Terrie Boosted Her Self-Esteem!


Most of my life I never worried about my weight, I was always slim and able to eat whatever I wanted and never really learned how to eat healthy or have control over my cravings. Living off of carbs and sugar really caught up to me once I had a baby in my mid-thirties. Negative self-talk consumed me and my self-esteem bottomed out. I felt like I would never lose the weight and get out of the pit I created for myself.

Meeting Steph and committing to her program has made a tremendous positive impact on my life. Steph has taught me over the course of her program that it’s small changes every day that give you end results over a period of time. It’s those small changes that you make week after week on her program that add up to the complete lifestyle change. 

It’s not an overnight fix, it’s hard work but Steph is championing you all along the way. Being accountable for your food intake and movement everyday has been life changing for me.

I was really scared to start the program, food was a comfort that I really enjoyed and looked forward to and I assumed that would be taken away, I was wrong. Steph teaches you to truly enjoy food and learn to take pride in what goes into your body. 8 weeks and 19 pounds later this is just the beginning of my journey.

Terrie, Age 40


No More Yo-Yo Dieting!


See How Carla Changed Her Life & Improved Her Overall Health - No More Acid Reflux