Thrive Health & Wellness

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Trouble Losing Pregnancy Weight? Learn How To Eat Better & Reach Your Goals

In the past I never cared about my weight or what I would eat  and my body seemed to maintain a steady weight. My pregnancies changed that! Both of my children were over 9lbs and I gained 32lbs with each. After having my daughter I quickly lost my pregnancy weight. I never listened to people when they told me losing weight after the second would be harder. They were correct! Four months after having my son I did lose 15lbs but still wanted to reach my pre-pregnancy weight as well as ditch the maternity jeans. 

Being a mother of two under 2 years of age, I am always putting my children first. I knew I would struggle to lose weight and that I would need someone to keep me accountable. I struggled to make time for working out; however, I did end up losing 17lbs in the 10 weeks with Steph by making better food choices and changing my portion sizes! Steph was always just a text or email away and helped me make healthier choices whether I was at home or out to eat.

Not only did I reach my goal weight but I have more energy to keep up with my two young ones, I am sleeping better (as well as a new mom can) and my skin has never looked better! Thank you so much Steph!

Michelle, Age 34