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I first decided to contact Steph in August of 2013 after hearing numerous and nothing less than glowing reviews from different people. I joined the local gym in January 2013 and had lost 29lbs on my own but felt as if my commitment was waning and I needed a change to get me to my goal.
Enter Steph...young, beautiful, in great shape (way better shape than I could ever hope to be in- a schlumpy mom of two that had let herself go) and oh so positive, almost to the point of “really, is she for real?” I just ate a whole pizza and she’s not kicking my ass, instead she’s telling me to learn from this lesson, and to plan for bumps in the road.
The first week I was sceptical, how could tiny changes in the way I was eating ever hope to get me to my goal, it seemed impossible.
I texted all of my doubts to Steph, (over and over and over again) and she always told me to give it time, and think positively.
The first, second, third and following Fridays completely proved me wrong. An amazing thing happened, the weight started to come off consistently and effortlessly. More importantly, I was learning the proper way to eat and almost overnight my insane sugar cravings disappeared and the binging went with it.
Over the 4 months that I spent with Steph she taught me way more than I could ever have hoped for, yes, the diet changes were necessary but her kind words and positive attitude made me want to do better for myself and family and slowly I started to feel better about who I was (inside and out), and no longer talked to myself in negatives.
In the four months I spent with Steph I lost another 28lbs and am continuing to lose with my goal of being 150lbs only 5lbs away.
Another amazing thing happened while working with Steph, my newfound love of running and eating properly started to inspire my husband to also re-evaluate his way of living and what he was using to fuel his body.
In 3 months of using Steph’s tips and suggestions Mark has lost over 35 lbs. (and still losing) and together we are running our second 5km run with plans to complete a 10km this summer.
I can’t thank Steph enough for all of her time and effort in helping me become the person that I now am, I enjoy life a little bit more, clothes shopping is no longer stressful and I know that I can plan for special occasions and realize that treats do not make me a failure but rather human and tomorrow is a new day filled with healthy choices waiting to be made.
It’s a New Year and if you’ve ever considered making changes in your lifestyle or contacting Steph now is the time to do it. Cheers!
Sara, Age 37
4 Years Later: When Steph approached me about an update I had to have her remind me how long it had actually been since working with her, it's been almost 4 years! 4 years sounds like a forever and yet the time has (like always) slipped away so quickly. I look back upon the time since then and although a lot has changed a lot has stayed the same. Although Steph and I no longer chat on a daily basis I have still randomly messaged her with a quick question here and there and she is always willing to help and/or offer support, and always with a positive message to keep one's motivation soaring upward.
Fast-forward 4 years...I have completed a half marathon with my next this coming May, Mark completed a half as well as a full marathon this past November and finished strong with an amazing time. We both continue to run, and workout at the gym. I love trying new weight programs and am currently trying to eat less wheat and sugar, which has given me more energy.
Steph's words are always in the back of mind and I have learned that everyone has to find a balance between loving themselves and doing what ever works for them, whatever that looks like. It's not a race, it's a journey, an almost 4 year journey for me, and I never for a second doubt or regret my time with Steph. I can't thank her enough.
Sara and Mark